If you are interested in donating to Home place of Texas our preferred method right now is through the Texas Children's Houston Open Birdies for Charity Campaign.
Birdies for Charity
Birdies for Charity®, presented by OXY, is a fundraising program designed to give local charities the opportunity to generate contributions through the Texas Children’s Houston Open. The Houston Open administers the program, invoices and receipts the donors, and graciously gives 100% of all funds collected to each designated organization. None of the credit card fees or processing fees are passed on to Home Place of Texas. The Houston Open will award the top fifteen organizations with the highest total of donations and four randomly drawn organizations with an additional bonus prize.
Starting November 4, you can make a one-time donation of at least $20 to a participating non-profit organization.
Plus, find exciting perks for your donation below!
Birdies for Charity Legends Club:
Donors contributing one-time donations within the following brackets can opt-in to our Legends Club.
Plus, find exciting perks for your donation below!
Birdies for Charity Legends Club:
Donors contributing one-time donations within the following brackets can opt-in to our Legends Club.
$1,000 - $2,999 Donation: Gary Player Club (1978 Houston Open Champion)